What is Year One Edition - Polaris Update Info
Whether you own Phoenix Point already, or are purchasing Phoenix Point: Year One Edition for your first playthrough, you’ll have access to our upcoming, free content update: POLARIS. Polaris gives players, among other things, a brand new, tutorial prologue that introduces new characters, cinematics, and maps while teaching core aspects of how to play Phoenix Point.
Additionally, Phoenix soldiers get a stronger identity with all-new equipment. Research these new weapons and take the fight to the enemy in different ways, including wielding a riot shield against ranged threats, bringing the pain with an Assault-class grenade launcher, or choosing quantity over punch with a smaller caliber, but more accurate, heavy cannon that shoots multiple rounds.
Players will also see a host of visual improvements and UI changes, from a redesigned Home Screen that allows you to stay up to date (and to access special in-game content), to a robust contextual pop-up help system integrated throughout the entire game. Polaris also brings a slew of gameplay tweaks and updates based on community feedback.
Polaris arrives on December 3, 2020 for all existing players, and releases with Phoenix Point: Year One Edition, which includes the original game and the year’s released DLC, on Steam, Epic Games Store, GOG.com and other retailers.
Please note: Polaris also adds an updated saved game system, so be sure to complete your campaign before applying the Polaris update, or your save games will be invalidated! You can always choose not to update, but then you’ll miss out on all the new hotness!
We look forward to hearing your feedback when Year One Edition and the Polaris update release on December 3rd!